On this page, jump to: Selling, buying and the RTB-10 Form - Manufactured Home Owner Resources - Recommended insurances for old manufactured homes - Local MHO Associations - Provincial Associations - Legal Resources for Home Owners

The Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB)

Both tenants and landlords have specific rights and responsibilities in a tenancy. For answers to you tenancy questions or to apply for a dispute resolution visit the Residential Tenancy Branch website ↗ Or phone them with your questions at: 604-660-1020 (Lower Mainland) 250-387-1602 (Victoria) 1-800-665-8779 (Elsewhere in B.C.)

In manufactured/mobile home parks, The Manufactured Home Park Tenancy ACT ↗ and the The Manufactured Home Park Tenancy REGULATIONS ↗ are in effect. Between the ACT and the REGULATIONS, it has all the current information. Both documents refer back and forth to each other so basically one is no good without the other!

We received requests from members living in strata parks. In these, the Strata property Act ↗ is in effect and the Residential Tenancy Act ↗ may also apply.

Landlords and tenants may not avoid or contract out of these Acts or Regulations. Any attempt to avoid or contract out of this Act or the regulations is of no effect.

Rental agreement form RTB-5 which landlords should use and that specifies requirements in the regulations ↗.
New park rules infosheet ↗.
Forms Page which landlords are supposed to use ↗.
The page for Manufactured Home Park Landlords & Tenants in B.C. ↗.
New dispute resolution services ↗.
Tenant Policy Guideline listed in alphabetical orders ↗ and here to view them by number ↗.

RTB Compliance and Enforcement Unit (CEU)
The new CEU's online intake tool does allow manufactured home residents who have a complaint against a landlord to submit details of their complaint and upload evidence online. Your complaint must meet the following criteria: is the action causing a major health, safety or housing concern or an intentional, repeated or continuous action contravening BC tenancy laws and is there immediate danger to health, safety, housing or the rental property.

Complainants will require a basic BCeID to log on to the system. Once they are logged in, they will be asked for contact information and details of their complaint. The last section will prompt complainants to upload evidence. While the system does generate a file number for the complainant, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) prohibits the CEU from sharing the findings or details of an investigation with a complainant. Advocates will be able to use the online intake to submit a complaint on a client's behalf.

The CEU does not mediate or resolve disputes between landlords and tenants, and it is not an alternative to dispute resolution nor can it enforce orders.

If someone is unable to use the online system, they can call information services or email HSRTO@gov.bc.ca with the complete details of their complaint.

Here to create a basic BCeID ↗.
The online intake tool ↗.
RTB Information Services  ↗.
Find out more about the CEU complaint process and how complaints are handled ↗.

Selling, buying and the RTB-10 Form
RTB Forms listed by number ↗ (look for RTB-10)
Additional information about selling your home ↗
Information on buying & selling manufactured homes ↗

Manufactured Home Owner Resources

Emergency Preparedness Plans
Find out if Emergency Response management teams are active in your community. They can present and provide information on how to prepare and what to know before, during and after an emergency. For help in creating one ↗.
View the 2022 April 30 PreparedBC Emergency Preparedness powerpoint presentation ↗.

Shelter Aid For Elderly Renters (SAFER)
Lower income seniors renting in the private market may be eligible for a rent supplement through SAFER. Visit SAFER website ↗ for more information.

Adaptations of Independence (HAFI) Program
If you are eligible, you could receive a grant for adaptations. For more information visit the HAFI program website ↗.

BC Hydro & Fortis BC Energy Upgrade Programs for Low Income Home Owners ↗.

BC Manufactured Home Registry
British Columbia is the only jurisdiction in Canada that protects a person's investment in a manufactured home by having a central register of ownership details and controlling the movement of homes within BC. BC Manufactured Home Registry website ↗. More info about Registering Manufactured or mobile homes ↗ from the government.

Property Tax Assessments
If you believe your assessment is incorrect you can visit the BC Assessment website ↗ or contact BC Assessment at: 1-866-825-8322 or 604-739-8588.
Property Tax Assessment Forms ↗.
Property Assessment Review Panel information ↗ has a video explaining the process.
Search Property Assessments online ↗

The steps for an assessment review are: (government website broken links as of 2023 sept 13)

Property Tax Deferment Program for Seniors
Find out if you qualify to defer your property taxes ↗ from the BC government

Recommended insurances brokers for old manufactured homes

Central Agencies Ltd., #502 - 6339 200 St, Langley, BC V2Y 1A2, 604-276-0244, Avive Lifestyle Ins.

Tyler Elias, Account Executive – Personal Lines, Western Financial Group, Phone – 587-528-2855, Cell: 825-962-2187, Tyler.Elias@westernfg.ca

One of us suggests to contact Heather Gould of Dominion Lending Center in Victoria. This would need confirmation.

Local MHO Associations

The Sharman Park Home Owners Association in Nanaimo sphoa.ca ↗

Tri Way Park Residents Association in Langford triwaypark.info ↗

Provincial Associations

Manufactured Home Owners

The Lower Mainland Manufactured Home Owners Association
The umbrella organization for lower mainland communities including large cities, towns and villages along both banks of the Fraser River, from Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Port Moody on the north side and Surrey on the south side up to and including Hope and area. Lower Mainland Manufactured Home Owners Association website ↗.

The Penticton & District Manufactured Home Owners Association
Helping  homeowners from Summerland to Osoyoos and Keremeos to Princeton. Penticton & District Manufactured Home Owners Association website ↗.


BC Real Estate Association
A stakeholder BCMHO to connect with as needed. BCREA.

Manufactured Housing Association of BC
Since 1972, the Manufactured Housing Association of British Columbia has been the voice of manufactured home dealers, builders, transporters and many suppliers providing service within BC. Manufactured Housing Association of BC website ↗.

Legal Resources for Home Owners

TRAC - BC Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre
TRAC's purpose is to promote the legal protection of residential tenants across British Columbia by providing information, education, support and research on residential tenancy matters. TRAC website ↗ and other organizations page ↗.

The Law Foundation of British Columbia
To advance and promote a just society governed by the rule of law, through leadership, innovation and collaboration. Law Foundation of British Columbia website ↗.

Access Pro Bono
Operates a free lawyer referral service and several pro bono programs. Access Pro Bono website ↗.

Where to find a legal advocate. Povnet website ↗.

Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS)
CLAS is a non-profit law firm serving people in BC since 1971. They provide legal assistance and work to advance the law to address the critical needs of those who are disadvantaged or face discrimination. They participate in meetings with RTB. CLAS website ↗. They can help prepare and represent at higher BC court when RTB fails, see Losing your housing ↗. They produced a few informative reports, includingsome about rentals. See https://clasbc.net/resources/reports-and-publications/ ↗