Your Questions & Our Answers

The following information should be considered as our best efforts in answers. Some will be based on the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act and other Acts and information available on the Residential Tenancy Board (RTB) website. You can contact us if you have more questions. Questions are only numbered for easy reference.

1- Question: Hi, I own and live in my mobile home. It's completely paid for with no mortgage. I live on first nation land, run by an indigenous landlord. My question is, do I legally have to supply them with my house insurance information? Show answer

2- Question: Are there any rules regarding collecting annual fees from tenants and holding those fees in a bank account for park social events. Show answer

3- Question: Our landlord has been giving us illegal rent increases for the last five years. I complained then stopped and now I am ready to take him on. What he does is computes the increase then rounds it off at a higher amount, usually between $10-$20 per month. Show answer

4- Question: We own one of three manufactured home above the Campgrounds. Fairly new owners are threatening eviction as they want to double our rents to the same price as the permanent RV's. Looking for advice on this as our daughter lives there and really can't afford to move. I contacted the owners about the water pump not working and he asked me if I wanted to sell and I suggested yes if the price was above market. He hung up but the water problem was solved for a little while. Show answer

5- Question: I know the 2024 rent increase is 3.5% but I have been charged 3.9%, WHY? Show answer

6- Question: Most sites in our park currently pay around $500 per month rent. The landlord has issued a notice that on sale new tenants must pay $800 per month, and will not agree to or allow assignment of tenancy agreements. Is this legal? Show answer

7- Question: Water pressure low plus gets shut down for repairs. The landlord provided no water during a five day shutdown, should he? Show answer

8- Question: Do I have to put new siding on? My dad died, my brother and I are the beneficiaries and I am the executrix. The park owner told me we have to put new siding on before he will allow a new tenancy. Show answer

9- Question: Who finances manufactured homes? Show answer

10- Question: Two recent cases disputed rent increases with advocates so can we dispute a rent increase with an advocate, after it was paid, and how long after can we? Show answer

11- Question: Are MHO eligible to the B.C. renter's tax credit? Show answer

12- Question: The owner wants all homeowners to sign a form for over $100,000 in repairs and wants us to pay it back over six years, do I have to? Show answer

13- Question: What do I need to know before buying a home in, and/or moving in, a manufactured home park? Show answer

14- Question: Can I dispute an order of possession I was not aware of because I missed a rent payment and missed the RTB hearing? Show answer

15- Question: Is it true what the park owner says: I can't have anyone else live in my home because it is subletting? Show answer